Saturday, January 26, 2008

This is it! We're on our way to the ADSR 3! Cora and I have joined up to be partners. Cora and I were brainstorming the other night and we started talking about how we both like C&W music. Cora was telling me who she liked and the Garth Brooks song came up. And, the rest as they say, is history!!!

Cora made our blinkie and I set up the blog. I'm quite proud of myself because I made the paper in the header and I made the glitter for the alpha! So we're ready to get started. Maybe Cora and I can come up with a little challenge of our own here on our blogspot while we are warming up for the race.

1 comment:

Cora said...

Whoo hoo!!! Here we go!!! Im so excited to start!! lets get rawkin and rollin!